Maria Nikolopoulou & Ligeia Papaioannou

Short bio

Ligeia Papaioannou and Maria Nikolopoulou are architects born in 1999 in Greece. Their research and design interests focus on how architectural practices can function as a tool for creating symbiotic relationships. Through participatory design, experimentation with creative media and theoretical inquiry, an attempt is made to rethink the methods of space production and the mechanisms of constructing collective identities related to concepts of memory, care, material and immaterial heritage.


Description of general work / practice

The products of the different activities might seem incohesive at first sight but i discover funny connections between them in the process. My linos seem to present a dystopic version of the place i grew up, a recreation of images according to how they were engraved in a way in my memory . My drag again goes back to the pressure of growing up as a queer person in a small greek village with many patriarchal figures and conservatory models around me. So through my persona, Sergay Rakosylektra Parakatyanov, i once again recreate these reality and redefine it, often embodying some pagan and balkan references alongside the agender identity of the persona. These ventures propose facing and embracing the uglyness around us before running away from it ,and turning it into something else.

Portfolio / Sample of work