Jessica Lajard

Short bio

After growing up in the Caribbean Jessica Lajard moved to Paris to pursue her art studies at the École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux Arts de Paris where she recieved her diploma in 2010. Jessica Lajard’s work is a repertoire of shapes freely inspired by popular imagery which are often combined with sexual illusions that flirt with the grotesque. Sometimes thought out in advance through drawing, her installations spread out in space just like they did during the 59th Salon of Montrouge (2014) where the artist plunged us into a textured post-card scenery, where she blended textile, ceramic elements and marble in a fizzy, pop and surreal atmosphere of shells and crustaceans. For her nomination at the Révélations Emerige 2015 she captured us in a more intimate and domestic installation with Somewhere Where the Grass is Greener.

Description of general work / practice

“Sex and humor have long canoodled in the foreground of Jessica Lajard’s art. This intimate coupling services a whimsical surrealism that flushes all aspects of the self-pleasuring universes implied by her sculptures. She collapses sensually alert organs of the human body onto a judicious selection of the forms of the world—organic and inorganic; animal, vegetable, and mineral; real and archetypal—so plausibly that the dreamlike realms she conjures assume an air of inevitability and come to tint our waking vision as well. Much as Georgia O’Keeffe did for flowers and desert bluffs, Lajard ensures that we can never again look at many things without the frisson induced by the erotic charge of her works. ” Joseph R. Wolin

Portfolio / Sample of work